Work packages:
WP1: Growth of optical coatings (CO); LIDT experimental design (P1) (2020: 3 months)
T1.1. Growth of dielectric coatings (HfO2, ZrO2) using PLD technique (CO)
T1.2. Growth of metallic coatings (Ag) using the rf magnetron sputtering. (CO)
T1.3. Design of LIDT set up by optical methods at ELI-NP (P1)
WP2: Tests of optical coatings by LP and optical techniques in a mobile HV chamber (2021)
T2.1. Design and building of the high vacuum chamber, including a LP on a x-y-z manipulator (CO)
T2.2. Testing the vacuum chamber (low 10-6 mbar) and the working of the LP (CO)
T2.3. Measurement of LIDT on coatings by fs laser using the optical transmission technique (P1)
T2.4. Measuring using a LP on coatings of the amount of electrons and ions emitted by the optical coatings during ns-laser irradiation below, at and above the LIDT fluence (CO)
WP3: LP and target current (TC) investigations of optical coatings with ns, ps and fs lasers (2022)
T3.1.Subthreshold investigations of laser-matter interaction by LP and TC measurements (CO,P1)
T3.2. Pulse duration effect on electron emission spatial distribution of the irradiated targets (CO,P1)
T3.3. Correlation between LP signal and target current (CO,P1)
T3.4. Comparison of the LIDT fluence values: LP vs ELI-NP optical transmission technique: CO,P1.
T3.5. Effect of adsorbed atoms on the electron and ionic current generated by fs-laser irradiation of coatings; contamination effect on the ablation threshold/LIDT value (CO,P1)
WP4: Analysis of charged particle velocities by LP during fs-laser irradiation (2023: 9 months)
T4.1. Charged particle distributions in subthreshold irradiation conditions of coatings (CO,P1)
T4.2. Diagnostics of electron and ionic emission from fs, ps and ns irradiation regimes (CO,P1)
T4.3. Target current measurements: Route towards understanding the incubation effects (CO,P1)
Dissemination 2020-2023: CO, P1
T5.1. The preparation of reports and articles for publication.
T5.2. Participation to conferences and workshops
T5.3 Proposal for patent
Management of the research project: CO, P1
T6.1. Developing the web page of the project and an e -mail group list for efficient communication.
T6.2. Organization of joint meetings, seminars and workshops.
T6.3. Ensuring that all research objectives are timely fulfilled within the allocated budget.
- Proiectarea si dezvoltarea unui generator de plasma cu microunde pentru producerea de nanoparticule cristaline RMO – model experimental.
- Sinteza si caracterizarea nanoparticulelor cristaline RMO.
- Optimizarea si validarea unei noi metode de depunere pentru sinteza de nanoparticule CRMON.